Monday, August 14, 2006

We need a well-integrated set of best-of-breed tools for J2EE development

For simple, non-heterogeneous environments, IT-analysts often recommend using the .NET framework as development platform, rather than the J2EE. They say that .NET is simpler and more productive.
This bugs me, because I prefer the Java platform and because I favor the more open community around the J2EE. Great innovation occurs in the J2EE open source world. We also have the better IDEs.

However, when I recommend how to use the J2EE myself, I enumerate many different tools (just to name a few: Spring, Hibernate or Ibatis, Axis, Maven, Ant, JUnit, Log4j, Acegi), from different sources. It is often far from obvious what frameworks one should choose, there are just too many out there (consider e.g. the web framework domain). The integration of these frameworks is also done anew too many times.

EL4J, the open-source project I work on, has the goal to improve this situation. It combines leading J2EE tools, provides sample applications and adds some features of its own. It was already used in 16 projects so far.

How do you estimate the situation in the J2EE development world?

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