Tuesday, December 18, 2007

EL4J release 1.2 is out!

Main features: New Swing GUI framework (compilation of existing frameworks & demo), JAXWS usable via POJO programming model, new library versions, webstart demo, improved doc, seam demo, clean-ups, ....

Full release notes: http://el4j.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/*checkout*/el4j/trunk/el4j/etc/ReleaseNotes.txt
SF.net site: http://el4j.sourceforge.net/index.html

Friday, July 06, 2007

Presentation @ Jazoon 07 (European JavaOne Conference)

I held 2 presentations @ Jazoon this year, a demo about EL4J and a keynote on the heterogeneity of Java. Here are the slides: EL4J demo keynote . Recently we have made quite some clean ups in EL4J. I hope to publish a next release soon.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Jazoon scriptlet challenge for european students

The company I work for sponsors a scriptlet programming challenge to mark the 2007 Jazoon conference (JavaOne of Europe) in Zurich.

The goal is not to spend a lot of time coding, but to realize an interesting idea. Particularly encouraged are scriptlets using new features of Java 6, Groovy 1.0 and Mashups.
The number of raw lines of code is limited to 100 lines.

You can win 3 free student entries for Jazoon and Amazon book vouchers.

More details

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Dependency graph for maven 2

When more and more maven modules are added to a project, it's sometimes useful to see a graph showing the dependencies between all modules. This can be done with the EL4J maven depgraph plugin. I think the quickest way to show the benefits is by showing its output when applied on itself:

There are 2 modes of the plugin: one shows the dependencies of all the modules in a project. The other mode just shows the dependencies of the currently active directory. You can filter the modules to include. The output is then processed with the graphviz tool.

For more info on the plugin I refer to the code (the global website has not yet been re-generated with the new plugins):


And while I am at it, we also have a maven database plugin that allows executing SQL scripts and (optionally) launching an embedded database. More details can be found under http://svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/el4j/trunk/el4j/maven/plugins/maven-database-plugin/